Box 24
Contains 30 Results:
Brodifacoum LD50 and Bait Acceptance Studies on Pocket Gophers and Black-tailed Prairie Dogs, 1984
Series II contains three boxes of research records dated 1915-1997. This series consist of research and reports related to coyotes and sheep, damage caused by deer, mongoose, gophers, mice, prairie dogs, rats, and voles, and mammal damage to forests. Records pertaining to chemical repellent and toxicant research, including EPA documents are in this series. In addition to mammals, records related to bird hazards at airports, bird migration, and bird repellents are included.
Burrow Builder Gopher Bit Applicator, Information, Blueprints, and News Clippings, 1959 - 1965
Series II contains three boxes of research records dated 1915-1997. This series consist of research and reports related to coyotes and sheep, damage caused by deer, mongoose, gophers, mice, prairie dogs, rats, and voles, and mammal damage to forests. Records pertaining to chemical repellent and toxicant research, including EPA documents are in this series. In addition to mammals, records related to bird hazards at airports, bird migration, and bird repellents are included.
Colorado Cooperative Pocket Gopher Project, Progress Reports and Minutes of Technical Committee Meetings, 1957 - 1960
Series II contains three boxes of research records dated 1915-1997. This series consist of research and reports related to coyotes and sheep, damage caused by deer, mongoose, gophers, mice, prairie dogs, rats, and voles, and mammal damage to forests. Records pertaining to chemical repellent and toxicant research, including EPA documents are in this series. In addition to mammals, records related to bird hazards at airports, bird migration, and bird repellents are included.
Colorado Cooperative Pocket Gopher Project, Progress Reports and Minutes of Technical Committee Meetings, 1961 - 1965
Series II contains three boxes of research records dated 1915-1997. This series consist of research and reports related to coyotes and sheep, damage caused by deer, mongoose, gophers, mice, prairie dogs, rats, and voles, and mammal damage to forests. Records pertaining to chemical repellent and toxicant research, including EPA documents are in this series. In addition to mammals, records related to bird hazards at airports, bird migration, and bird repellents are included.
Development of Methods for Controlling Pocket Gophers, Work Unit Projects, 1958 - 1969
Series II contains three boxes of research records dated 1915-1997. This series consist of research and reports related to coyotes and sheep, damage caused by deer, mongoose, gophers, mice, prairie dogs, rats, and voles, and mammal damage to forests. Records pertaining to chemical repellent and toxicant research, including EPA documents are in this series. In addition to mammals, records related to bird hazards at airports, bird migration, and bird repellents are included.
DRC-714 Field Test on Mountain Gophers, 1961 - 1965
Series II contains three boxes of research records dated 1915-1997. This series consist of research and reports related to coyotes and sheep, damage caused by deer, mongoose, gophers, mice, prairie dogs, rats, and voles, and mammal damage to forests. Records pertaining to chemical repellent and toxicant research, including EPA documents are in this series. In addition to mammals, records related to bird hazards at airports, bird migration, and bird repellents are included.
Economic Evaluation of Pocket Gopher Control Techniques in Pine Plantations in Minnesota, 1962 - 1963
Series II contains three boxes of research records dated 1915-1997. This series consist of research and reports related to coyotes and sheep, damage caused by deer, mongoose, gophers, mice, prairie dogs, rats, and voles, and mammal damage to forests. Records pertaining to chemical repellent and toxicant research, including EPA documents are in this series. In addition to mammals, records related to bird hazards at airports, bird migration, and bird repellents are included.
Effects on Pocket Gopher Populations of Spraying Thurber Fescue Grasslands with 2, 4-D, Forest Service Reports, 1956 - 1957
Series II contains three boxes of research records dated 1915-1997. This series consist of research and reports related to coyotes and sheep, damage caused by deer, mongoose, gophers, mice, prairie dogs, rats, and voles, and mammal damage to forests. Records pertaining to chemical repellent and toxicant research, including EPA documents are in this series. In addition to mammals, records related to bird hazards at airports, bird migration, and bird repellents are included.
Efficacy of 50PPM Brodifacoum Grain Bait on Populations of Plains Pocket Gophers, 1984
Series II contains three boxes of research records dated 1915-1997. This series consist of research and reports related to coyotes and sheep, damage caused by deer, mongoose, gophers, mice, prairie dogs, rats, and voles, and mammal damage to forests. Records pertaining to chemical repellent and toxicant research, including EPA documents are in this series. In addition to mammals, records related to bird hazards at airports, bird migration, and bird repellents are included.
Evaluation of Pocket Gopher Control Techniques in Restoring Vegetation on Mountain Grassland Ranges of Western Colorado, Annual Progress Reports, 1961 - 1967
Series II contains three boxes of research records dated 1915-1997. This series consist of research and reports related to coyotes and sheep, damage caused by deer, mongoose, gophers, mice, prairie dogs, rats, and voles, and mammal damage to forests. Records pertaining to chemical repellent and toxicant research, including EPA documents are in this series. In addition to mammals, records related to bird hazards at airports, bird migration, and bird repellents are included.